**For the record, this is probably my first date in a really long while. It wasn't too bad. We met for a drink at some swanky too-old-for-me bar, after which, I convinced him to go to Wendy's, because we were totally supposed to go there in the first place.
I have never seen myself as much of a dater. Before I got my first actual boyfriend at age 20, I really didn't hang out with guys all that often, much less date them. And then I had the one boyfriend for a very long while and tried dating a little bit after we broke up and then went on to another boyfriend and well... now I'm being thrust back into the dating world, and don't exactly know what happens on them or what it's supposed to be like. I do know that I've been quite reluctant about it, because I really don't know what to do or say or how to act of any of that...
I will say that I'm quite glad I went. It was an experience to learn about someone new and to enjoy a person's company and stuff... at the very least, I found out that I have nothing to be scared of when it comes to dating. It really is a liberating feeling to not care whether or not the person will like you for what you present yourself as. It's so much easier to be as close to the version of yourself that you think you are when you figure what you are isn't any worse than trying to be someone you're not just so someone will like you. It's also interesting to see that people actually enjoy your company. (And by "you," I really mean me, hahah)
So. Yeah. I guess dating isn't so bad.
Now. Whether I will have the energy and time to do it again... well... that's an entirely different question... but one step at a time, I guess...
I'll go ahead and say it. I love the self portraits. Keep em coming! You'll never get a complaint from me about them!