Don't you feel that life is that way sometimes? Like you're just sitting on the train, rushing past all the crap outside the window til you get to your destination? I feel like in my life I've spent a lot of time doing that. Always taking the train to where I needed to go, and missing all the stuff in the stops in between. Sure, it's always nice to have something to look forward to, but I've noticed recently that sometimes, you're so busy trying to get to where you need to go that you don't get to enjoy where you're at. It's sometimes hard to stop and enjoy the moment you're living in now. Maybe you feel pressed of time, or you want to be prepared for what's coming ahead or something.
...but lately, I've been thinking. What if there is no moment after this one? We spend so much of our lives planning for the future that sometimes, it feels like we're living only for the future and never living in the exact moment we're in. While it's probably likely that I WILL have many tomorrows and I should plan accordingly, I also know I want to live my life like there is only today. To say the things I need to say, and do what I want to do... in case I won't be able to say or do them anymore...
I don't ride trains as much. I walk a LOT. Maybe it's because I know I'll get there soon enough and I should just start enjoying how I'm getting to where I'm going...
"Life is a blur of color
So fast
You don't know you're flying..."
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