You probably don't know what I'm talking about. And by "you," I mean the collective void. And my three known "followers." (Hellooooo guys!!!)
Soeren, Stephen, and Luca are guys I studied abroad with in Nagoya in 2004. Together, we took on Japan, made a bunch of awesome memories, and, as it seems, forged the kind of friendships that span distance and time. It's been six years since we've all been together in the same place (though I've been able to see everyone separately at least twice at some point during the six years), but it feels like we were never apart. I love it! We spent an entire day singing our little hearts out (while sometimes simultaneously talking and catching up and laughing) in a small karaoke room. Soeren had to leave early this morning, so we basically had less than 24 hours to cram all that stuff in! Talk about awesomeness in concentrate!
Also loving how we mostly don't seem to have aged much either....wonder if it will be the same in the next six years...(probably not. The other shoe is bound to drop at some point.) And hopefully, it won't be another six years before we all get to see each other at the same time...
So yeah... this is the three of my boys at the 34th street train station waiting for the F to take us all home, at which point, I just had to take a moment and soak it all in...:)
**Side note: I find it so interesting how I spent the first part of my life being almost completely surrounded by girls allllll the time, and now, I'm spending this part of my life being almost completely surrounded by boys alllll the time. Kind of balances out, I suppose. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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