So... one of the awesome parts of my neighborhood is that it's where Flight of the Conchords was filmed... and somehow I have a hard time finding people who are as excited about that little tidbit of information as I am... until yesterday!
I completely forgot that Stephen and Luca are FOTC fans, and they got so excited when I showed them the episode where Bret and Jemaine discover hair gel and they're standing super cool on a corner and then I told them that...well... that's MY corner! Sort of... It's in my neighborhood!
Anyway. Today was such a beautiful day, and who knows when I'd have the two of them in my neighborhood again, so I had them pose in positions similar to the ones in that part of the episode...
There was a grumpy Chinese man sitting in the corner blocking where Jemaine had stood, and he did not want to move, so we had to make do with grumpy Chinese man. hah You can't really see him, but his head is there a little bit in the shot...
I <3 my friends. They're so willing to appease me.
***For your reference, here is the shot we were trying to recreate...

Aww, have I mention how much I love my friends? hahhaha
Yeah, whatever.