Woke up early this morning to go with cousins Jen and Gil-bart so we could drop Sharon and Daj off to the airport...
Sharon was all geared up for Guam in a sundress and sandals, with her shades on... which Daj promptly stole so that he could look uber-cool. I love how he has mastered that hardcore, too-cool-for-you, "WHAT" look.
God, I'm gonna miss this kid for the month or so that he's gone...
It's not even just that he's so damn cute... it's that... well...he's one of the reasons I've been able to laugh so much in the past few months. Without even realizing what he was doing, he's lifted my spirits so many times... There was this one time I had had one of those really trying days, and was crying with my face in my hands, and he tapped me on my leg to get my attention. I looked down, and the boy had a plastic black cauldron for a head and he was kind of giggling a little underneath it. It was the silliest thing, and I couldn't help but laugh through my tears. It's kind of amazing how such a tiny person can do so much for you...
It surprises me every time when he just can't seem to stop hugging and kissing and tickling me; and how happy he seems to look when he sees me come through the door. I love that he reaches for me, and not just because I have anything to offer... It's so gratifying... An older person loves you because they choose to love you. Everyday, it's a decision. But someone as young as Daj... He loves you because it's an instinct. There's no other way to be... and when you're part of what he loves... it's one of the best feelings in the world...
That is so touching