Thankfully, it looks like she is doing a little bit better, and everyone in our family is continuing to support her any way we can and keep her in our prayers... It's the best we can do from so far away...
Life... you wake up every morning and it is so easy to take it for granted. To not want to wake up so early and head into work. To just go through the motions of the day, thinking you will always have tomorrow to say all that you want to say, and do all that you want. To complain about the mundane: the traffic, the empty coffee pot, the crappy toilet paper in the bathroom... It's so easy to be so miserable sometimes...
But if you're lucky, you realize that life-every single minute, every single second, every tear, every joy, every ache, every smile-- all of it, is a blessing. There may be so many things to complain about, but there is also so much to be happy for...
My cousin bought me this calendar at the start of the year... 3,650 things to be happy about... I suspect it is because I was having a hard time seeing all those blessings... but... it's a daily reminder. That there is so much to be thankful for, to be happy about, to celebrate.
One of the ten things listed for today was "Listening to music while working."
Something simple, but so joyous. Helps the day go by, and just puts you in a mood. I thought for today, to be thankful for all that life has to offer, I would post a picture I took of myself listening to music and singing to myself at work (everyone was gone for the day). Thank goodness for Pandora! hahaha

It's a random and quite embarrassing, kind of unflattering picture of myself, which will probably make me regret posting this picture up, but whatever. I feel it's candid, and honest, and...actually, it cracks me up. hahah
We all need more laughter in our lives anyway... :)
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