This so-called intriguing opportunity comes in the form of Bollywood style dance classes at Dhoonya Dance School. $30 for four classes. Definitely could not pass up the opportunity for something new and interesting. And holy smack, am I glad I joined. For one hour, it was a LOT of fun. The only dance moves I'm capable of doing are the pony and the shoulder shimmy thing. And hey! Apparently, that's like, the basics of Bollywood style dance moves! Of course, I'm not so good at it, but definitely better than if I were in a hip hop dance class (which, to be honest, I would also take if Groupon offered such a deal). I had a great time and talked to a few new people. Next week, I think I'm gonna befriend the one dude whose wife signed him up and swore to him up and down that there was another dude signed up in the class (who chickened out anyway...) Single men, take note, it is majority women!!! And a few of my classmates were really pretty!!!
Speaking of pretty... I bring you stranger #5. My dance teacher Priya.

Even gross and sweaty, she is GORGEOUS. And an amazing dancer. Very good teacher too. I asked her how she got into all this and she told me how she grew up dancing this stuff with her aunts and everything. She lived in the states all her life, but spent summers in India. About five years ago, she started Dhoonya Dance in D.C. and then last year, she expanded into NYC and now lives here full time. I think that's pretty awesome. I met a few other strangers today too, but she was definitely the most memorable. I'm looking forward to the next three weeks, and am considering maybe continuing after this Groupon thing is done. It's a lot of fun and actually a really great workout. I think I may have found something physically challenging aside from snowboarding that I might actually like to do...
Priya choreographed and performed a dance for my cousin's wedding last summer and I can attest that she's every bit as talented and beautiful (yes, even when sweaty!) as you say. We were really excited to turn on Oprah one day and see her and the Dhoonya troupe performing. I have yet to try one of their dance classes here in NYC, but perhaps I'll try one of the yoga-blend varieties (she's also a certified yoga instructor).