I've got approximately 11 minutes to post!!! Gahhhhhh
I'm really going to have to upload some sort of blogging app on my phone so that my life will not be dominated by making it to a computer by midnight. Such a pain to do that though! Well, I guess it's also a pain to come home to post... but I am determined to stick it out! After all, it's only day 4!!!
I've noticed though that I keep looking out for shots to take. I thought I wouldn't find one today (aside from a shot of the kintama--golden balls-- I have hanging off my computer) because I was at work the whole day and thought I was going straight home, but instead I went to dinner with a couple of friends and snapped this on my way home... I thought it might be interesting to see what the ambulance light would look like if I tried to take a picture...and so yeah. It's just a random sidewalk a block or two away from my apartment, and nothing all that special really, but I did like the way the lights showed up in the picture. :)
Woohoo, six minutes to spare!
Happy first Monday of the year! :)
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