After, Jen and I went to Soho for a bit before I tried to meet up with my friend Pooja (the Pooj)at our friend Ana's art gallery opening. After a whole bunch of random communication mishaps, we finally met up at the Apple store where I was charging my dead phone and I found out that she had tried really hard to have a small surprise birthday party for me (!! and here I thought we were just going to go make ravioli! lol). It didn't work out quite the way she had planned, but I had a great time anyway. We ended up having delicious drinks at Kittichai in Soho (first just the two of us and then with our friends Olga, Ana, and two of Olga's friends) and then eating Lobster Ravioli at a place nearby. It was sooo much fun. At some point in the night, the waitress at the bar brought out a plate of chocolate mousse as a birthday plate. It was so sweet. I wish I knew how to rotate pictures on this thing... sigh... lol
I haven't known Pooj all that long (just since our stint as Bollywood dancers at Brooklyn Bridge Park), but she's quickly become one of my favorite people to hang out with. My "same-sex soul mate." lol
This year's birthday certainly kicks last year's ass! :)
-- iPhoneから送信
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