Anyway. Last week, Groupon was offering “exotic dance lessons” at StripXpertease (such a cool name for the company… I think that is such an awesome play on words!!) . $37 for four classes!
I give you Kimberly, who was sweet and accommodating enough to let me take a few shots of her before class. I wish I had broken out my camera DURING class for when she was giving demos because an action shot of her in her element would have been AWESOME. (Kimberly, if you’re reading this—and I hope you are!!—please oblige me next time…prease?? Haha)
Kimberly is the owner and taught my first class. It was the “Teaser” class where she basically shows you a sample from each of the courses they offer. We learned basic moves like “the Robert” and “the Lotion” and she tried to teach us “the Predator Face” (which I will admit, I really need to practice because I am TERRIBLE at it! Haha). She showed us a few floor moves and some of the aerobic stuff for the class… AND I got a lap dance (I was the lap for her demo. Hahah). Man, that looked hard! Takes serious skill!!!
Now… I am by no means the kind of person who ever really feels sexy. More often than not, I feel kind of awkward (though I will admit that my fairly recent discovery of not giving a crap about what other people think kind of helps me deal with the awkwardness), but she gave the class such a relaxed and fun atmosphere that my awkward feelings were kind of minimal. She owns the room and kind of shows you how to own it too. She oozes confidence and tries to foster it in her students. She’s fun and sexy and HILARIOUS. I don’t know if my stomach hurts today from all the squatting and swaying and leg lifts or if it’s because we were laughing so hard.
My curiosity has gotten the better of me this year and I am finding that I am all the better off for it! Looks like I am adding another hobby to my schedule…:)
**If anyone wants to sign up for Groupon, do me a favor and click:
-- 自分のiPhoneから発送する
Love it! You did great in class. You were movin' and groovin' and workin that sexy. Just wait till you get a few more classes under your belt..that Predator Face will be ON!