Had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to run home from Jersey and get ready for work so I got to catch that rare moment between dusk and before the sun rose...I guess you could call it the twilight hour... Whatever it was, it was beautiful seeing the first glimpses of sunlight through the trees...

It made me think of that saying, "I couldn't see the forest for the trees..." and how I've been guilty of that lately. I know we are all guilty of it from time to time; this getting so caught with the details that we forget the big picture. Details aren't a bad thing all the time, but they're never really the only thing...
I sometimes need reminders that the small things that may anger or annoy me are not what should make up my life. I have an amazing family who, despite distance, support and encourage me, and cheer me up, sometimes without realizing it. I have incredible friends who are sweet and kind and keep me sane. And I have a wonderful man who loves and sometimes spoils me, and always makes up the best part of my day, even from approximately 6000 miles away.
Life is good, and fear and anger really shouldn't stop me from living or appreciating it...
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